The value of psychotherapy
whether it be for the individual, the
couple, or the family can be an
invaluable experience. Psychotherapy can mean coming to a better understanding of yourself—becoming an
expert on the self. It can mean understanding others around you and
understanding your relationship with
There are a variety of reasons why
people find therapy helpful. In addition
to therapy's being instrumental in helping people confront
depression, general anxieties, and drug and alcohol abuse, psychotherapy
can also be a valuable tool in helping
people through particularly stressful transition times.
Every person, every family undergoes life transitions. Some
transitions are more stressful than others, and the intensity of the
stress may depend on a confluence of events. For example, for some,
the death or illness of a family member may be the stressor for
which they seek help.
For others, it is a career change or a geographic move. Other
transitions that may precipitate the need for therapy include the
birth of a child, the dissolution of a marriage, or “simply” the
youngest's leaving home. Such life events marshal changes in our
lives and create a disequilibrium.
To learn skills to understand and hurdle the disequilibrium,
psychotherapy can be of immense and lasting value. |